Work experience: Apex Lifts welcomes Adam Bouzid
As a part of Apex’s corporate social value work with Lambeth Council, Apex Lifts recently welcomed 25-year-old, Adam Bouzid for a week’s work experience in the Apex workshop. Adam comes from a background in construction and likened the prospect to giving lift engineering a try. This comes through a partnership between Apex Lifts, Lambeth Council, and the Bounce Back Project. A Project developed to support young people in obtaining exciting work opportunities. Adam certainly excelled all expectations on his work placement, leading to the workshop team singing his praises. Below Adam reflects on his time with the Apex Lifts team.
Tell us a little about your background.
I am 25 years old and currently working in construction. I like mechanics and work part-time in another role. I am really close to my family and enjoy playing sports.
What encouraged you to take work experience with Apex Lifts?
I always like to try new experiences and learn new things. I have little knowledge or experience in this field and the opportunity really jumped out to me. I’m young and still trying to establish my career path and I was keen to try lift engineering.
Describe a typical day during your work experience placement.
I really enjoyed working here, I arrived early and got to work around the workshop, keeping it tidy and mostly cutting metal which I’d never done before. I was also shown the different parts of a lift, from the doors to components in the storeroom such as lift call buttons and indicators.
What aspect of the experience did you find the most challenging?
There wasn’t anything I found most challenging, I see myself as a quick learner and I was eager to try new things.
What was your favourite aspect about the experience?
I really enjoyed the work environment; the staff were all very friendly and helpful. I felt that the time went by so quickly as I enjoyed the work so much.
What have you achieved as a result of partaking in this work experience?
I’m a lot more motivated to establish my career path now. Before starting this role with Apex Lifts, I never enjoyed the previous jobs I had, however, I’ve developed a wider appreciation and enjoyment of what I’m doing, and a determination to develop my skills further.
What are your future goals and aspirations?
My future goals are to work towards a fulfilling and successful career. I would like to develop my skills to become a qualified mechanic, as this is the field, I’m most interested in. I would also like to make my family proud of me.
If you had to be stuck in a lift with someone, who would it be with and why?
I would probably choose to be stuck in a lift with my Dad, he’s always calm and never panics, I also feel he’d make me laugh and wouldn’t get too stressed!
Apex Lifts would like to thank the London Borough of Lambeth and Bounce Back Project for connecting our organisation with young people such as Adam and welcome the opportunity to continue a working relationship to increase awareness of career paths within the lift and, wider construction industry.