Apex Lifts Signs Menopause Workplace Pledge
The menopause can be a challenging time in any woman’s life, and can often be made harder by the constraints of work. It is with great pride that this year Apex Lifts signed the Wellbeing of Women’s Menopause Workplace Pledge.
With women over 50 becoming the fastest growing demographic within the UK work place, it is questionable as to why changes haven’t been made sooner. As such, over 900,000 women in the UK have left the workforce due to the debilitating symptoms that the menopause can cause. It is for such reasons that Apex Lifts pledge to do better for their female employees.
The pledge encourages businesses to create working adaptations to the environments in which their female employees work within. Adaptations include ensuring there is extra ventilation to flexible working hours. Although the overarching messaging behind the campaign is to promote open dialogue about the menopause in aid of removing the stigma often associated with it.
Apex commits to instilling such values into their core business model to promote fairness and equality for all. Alongside 1700 other businesses, Apex seeks to encourage others to do the same and sign the pledge.
For more information on the Menopause Workplace Pledge click here.